Hunting Reports Older


Fulldraw Outfitters

1st Group:  Despite rain showers that left standing water throughout much of the antelope country we were still 4 for 5 on shot opportunities for the week while also harvesting two great bucks.

2nd Group:  The standing water from last week still pestered the six hunters we had in camp this week, but we still were 50% on shot opportunities.

3rd Group:  We had 7 hunters in camp this week and went 4 for 7 on harvesting bucks; we were also 6 for 7 on bucks within 25 yards.

4th Group:  We had Lee and Tiffany Lakosky in camp this week and they went a perect 2 for 2 on antelope bucks.

Summary:  Ouf of 20 guided antelope hunters we harvested 8 great bucks.  Despite a very wet season which resulted in difficult hunting we were 40% on kills and 75% on shot opporunities.  We also were 50% on kills with our non guided antleope hunters.

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