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2011 Antelope

FullDraw Outfitters • June 27, 2014

Awesome first week of Antelope Season.  We had 9 guided clients and 7 out of 9 harvested Bucks.  8 out of 9 got shots and the one guy that didn’t shoot passed some smaller bucks. We had 4 shots missed.  We were 100% on opportunities at legal bucks and we were 78% on harvested bucks.  Additionally, 5 of the 7 bucks made Pope and Young.  Also not included in the above numbers our own Fred Eichler harvested a Pope and Young buck on video.  We had 2 non-guided hunters, that  unfortunately had to leave due to an emergency.  They weren’t able to finish their hunt and neither harvested.

The 2nd  week we had 8 guided hunter. Another incredible week with 7 out of the 8 harvesting bucks.  Additionally, four of the seven made Pope and Young for another awesome week at Fulldraw Outfitters.  Check out the Great photos by clicking on the link above.

The 3rd week we had 5 hunters and although the weather was tough with winds and overcast skies. We harvested 2 Bucks and had 2 Bucks missed. One of the Bucks made Pope and Young.

We had 1 non-guided Archery Antelope hunter in last week and although he hunted hard the wet weather made for a rough hunt.  He saw some good bucks but no shots.


Tom from Kansas, with Guide Sean (right) and his great goat taken the 3rd day of his hunt.

Tim from Pennsylvania scored on this great non-typical on his 3rd day.


Ted from Kansas shot this great buck.

Patrick from Arkansas scored with his recurve on the nice buck.

Dennis from Louisiana took a beautiful buck on his 3rd day.

Last day was the charm for Bill putting  down this buck on his last afternoon.

Make it two years in a row for Grady from Michigan.  Grady shot this beautiful the first morning of his hunt.

Gary from Utah with guide Fred (right)  took his first Antelope with a bow on the first day of his hunt.

Will from NJ and his Pope and Young Buck taken on the first day of his hunt.

Dale From Kentucky with Guide Blye and his Pope and Young Buck Taken with his Recurve

JW from Arkansas and his Buck taken on the last day of his hunt JW and his Wife Rolanda below both took Bucks

Rolanda from Arkansas and her Pope and Young buck taken with her bow.

Lary from Nebraska and his Archery Buck he took on the last day of his hunt.

Chris from Indiana, says he’ll be back! This was Chris’s first Archery Antelope hunt and he harvested this beautiful  Pope and Young buck

Our own Fred Eichler harvested this Pope and Young buck on video with his recurve. Earlier in the day just as Fred was about to shoot a coyote chased this buck. Luckily a few hours later he came in for a shot.

By FullDraw Outfitters June 27, 2014
Florida Osceola Turkey This year again we were 100% on Osceola Turkeys.   Our three clients all took mature birds as well as our own Fred Eichler who harvested two nice birds on video. Another great year in Florida!! Colorado Merriams Turkey This year has been a little tough with the weather but all but two […]
By FullDraw Outfitters June 27, 2014
Our son Jeb and his nice buck taken on the first day of his hunt. Matt and his archery buck taken on the second day of his hunt. Joe from Colorado and his nice buck taken the first day of his hunt.  Joe was guided by Fred and Trent Tomme from Texas was a successful […]
By FullDraw Outfitters June 27, 2014
Jeff Millar from Bowhunter Magazine shot this nice bull. Look for this hunt on Bowhunter TV on the Sportsman’s Channel Our own Fred and a cow he shot during Archery season for Muzzy Bowhunting TV.  Look for this show in 2011 Greg from AZ with guide Luke (right) and Greg’s nice cow taken with his […]
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