We had an awesome rifle antelope season this year going 10 for 10 on kills, a 100% success rate!!
Abbie from KY shot this great antelope buck on the first day of her hunt with guide Luke.
Abbie from KY shot this great antelope buck on the first day of her hunt with guide Luke.
Abbie’s husband Scott followed suit just a few hours later and shot another awesome buck to cap off a great day.
Abbie’s husband Scott followed suit just a few hours later and shot another awesome buck to cap off a great day.
Jason from NY shot this great antelope buck on the second day of his hunt with guide Fred.
Joe also shot his antelope on the second day of the hunt with guide Fred.
Joe also shot his antelope on the second day of the hunt with guide Fred.
Scott from NC shot the biggest buck of his hunting career on the first afternoon of his hunt with guide Cole.
Scott from NC shot the biggest buck of his hunting career on the first afternoon of his hunt with guide Cole.
Sara from FL also shot her buck on the frist afternoon of her hunt with guide Fred just minutes after Scott’s hit the ground.
Sara from FL also shot her buck on the frist afternoon of her hunt with guide Fred just minutes after Scott’s hit the ground.
Tim shot this antlelope buck on the second day of his hunt with guide Luke.
Kim from IL made an awesome shot on this antelope doe on the second day of her hunt with guide Cole.
Kim from IL made an awesome shot on this antelope doe on the second day of her hunt with guide Cole.
Mark from IL with guide Cole spot and stalked this antelope doe to within 100 yards before making a great shot.
Mark from IL with guide Cole spot and stalked this antelope doe to within 100 yards before making a great shot.
Jim from LA shot this great antelope buck on the second day of his hunt with guide Weston.
Jim from LA shot this great antelope buck on the second day of his hunt with guide Weston.
Fred shot this antelope doe on the second to last day of the season with his Taurus Tracker .357 handgun.
Fred shot this antelope doe on the second to last day of the season with his Taurus Tracker .357 handgun.
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