1st Group: We had 4 hunters in camp and shot 2 great Toms. We were 75% on shot opportunities on Toms, and our final hunter had mulitiple shot opportunities at bearded jakes.
2nd group: We had one hunter in camp and he shot a jake on the second day of his hunt. So far we are 100% on bearded bird shot opportunitieis.
3rd group: We had four hunters in camp and shot 4 great birds, three toms and a jake. We were 100% for the week, and still 100% on bearded bird shot opportunities for the season.
4th group: We had four hunters in camp and shot 2 great toms. The other two hunters had opportunities at jakes. We are still 100% on bearded bird shot opportunites for the season.
5th groiup: We had two hunters in camp this week and shot two nice jakes, one on the first day and one on the last day. That makes us 100% for the year on beareded bird shot opportunities!!
Fulldraw Outfitters LLC is licensed #1590, Bonded and Insured